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Current Research in the Collaborative Dimensions of EM

While collaboration is a logical component of EM, it doesn't always occur and is seldom easy. Why? What factors encourage or discourage collaboration in EM? When it occurs, what enables it to succeed? How are collaborative EM processes best structured and how do they function? In what ways do collaborative processes vary, and what are the core characteristics that they have in common? What are the challenges (psychological, political, procedural) that they encounter and how can these challenges be addressed? How do participants in collaborative EM processes gain the skills and understanding they need in order to be effective in working together on scientifically complex and contentious issues? What sustains collaborative efforts over the lengthy time frame of EM? What has been accomplished through collaborative efforts, both ecologically and socially?

Researchers in the UM School of Natural Resources & Environment have been asking questions like these for more than a decade, through case analyses, surveys, evaluations, and longitudinal assessments.

Current Projects

* In the process of being updated. Please check back later. *

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This site was developed by the Ecosystem Management Initiative through a partnership with the US Forest Service and the US Department of Interior. Read more.

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