Ecosystem Management: For a World We Can Live In

Ecosystem Management and Rivers:
No Choice and No Retreat*

Dr. Michael Wiley

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I guess I should start with a couple of warnings. One is every good discussion requires a little bit of antagonism. I've got the job of representing a slightly different group of people, who have been working with slightly different kinds of ecosystems than most of the speakers have been talking about up until now. I'll tell you that for me and for many aquatic ecologists, there are some frictional issues. And I would like to talk a little bit today about frictional issues with respect to ecosystem management. I am also a person that doesn't like lots of suspense and, in fact, I don't like suspense very much at all. It makes me nervous and so I decided to put the conclusion right in the title so you know where I am coming from. You know my bias. Like everyone else here I am, in fact, very much an enthusiast of ecosystem management. So the friction is not about "is ecosystem management something that's valuable at all," but there are some things us aquatic ecologists and terrestrial ecologists need to talk about in terms of what we mean by ecosystem management.

Watershed versus Ecosystem Management

This smoke, hopefully there's a little intellectual fire behind it, that will clarify for all of us what it is we think we are about when we talk about ecosystem management, has to do with this word 'watershed.' Over the last four or five years, as I've watched the term ecosystem management develop in the conservation literature and the people upstairs in our school [all the aquatics people are in the basement and all the foresters are on the second floor] talk more and more and begin to organize their program around ecosystem management, I've had this nagging feeling that this is a wonderful thing. I'm very much in favor of this. But what exactly is it? They are talking about watershed management aren't they? As I talk to my aquatic colleagues I think I've found a similar kind of response. Yes, ecosystem management sounds like a wonderful thing. What exactly is it and is it the same thing as watershed? Is that what they mean? Do they mean manage watersheds? Is watershed management really the aquatic ecologist's equivalent of ecosystem management as we have been talking about it here today?

That confusion or that friction, I think, actually has a basis in some important principles for thinking about ecosystem management. It's true that Tansley was a trusted ecologist. We will grant everyone that. But if you talk to an aquatic ecologist, we will be pretty much convinced that the idea of ecosystem and ecosystem ecology really is a pretty aquatic topic. I mean it was looking at the lake as a microorganism, and it was Lendeman with trophic dynamics, and it was really the sort of Herculean international efforts in the 50s and the 60s that unraveled the meaning and causes behind eutrophication that led to much of what exists as functional ecosystem ecology today. To aquatic ecologists, whether they study rivers, lakes, or wetlands--and I'll focus my comments today largely on rivers--it has been clear that the management of these systems must be based on larger functional ecosystem units. And we have called this and taught, really, for 20-30 years now, watershed management. So maybe you will understand that when people say ecosystem management our first reaction is "oh well, you mean watershed management." We think about the landscape in that way. Is ecosystem management really watershed management or is there something more to the concept? That's really the topic that I'd like to try to address today.

I'd like to start with the observation that whether you are talking about ecosystem management in a terrestrial system or watershed management in an aquatic system, there's a common sort of larger flow in our management history and in our management science that they are both a part of. That is the idea that whatever we do in managing the landscape in terms of policy or action, it needs to be consistent with the reality of the system that is out there. And after all a good definition for science is we try to shape our mental pictures, our hypothesis, our models in a way that reflects what the reality really is. So the discomforture that ecologists feel when we start talking about landscape ecology comes down to differences in the way we perceive the reality that we're talking about in terms of ecosystems, and often in the words and the boundaries that we're talking about when we use the word 'ecosystem.' And it's a simple case example that Burt just went through. Burt was showing you maps of regional ecosystems of Michigan, and there was a very large major boundary there cutting across the middle part of the state. River managers look at that and say, "But, gee, there are four major river systems that come across that ecosystem--that major eco-region boundary." The correct unit for ecosystems, they would say, aquatic ecosystems, something like a river, must be different. We must be talking about something different. So, that's the issue I'd like to address. When we say ecosystem management, what are we really talking about in terms of units on the ground? If the common tradition is to shape your science so that it fits the real ecological reality that's out there, then to address the question of what is ecosystem management in the context of rivers requires looking very carefully at what a river ecosystem is, and then trying to build some kind of a statement about what that must mean in terms of ecosystem management. And so what I'd like to do pretty rapidly is just tick off for you some of the major characteristics of river ecosystems and contrast them a bit with the kinds of terrestrial systems that we've been talking about.

Riverine Ecosystems

First of all, river ecosystems are landscape scale systems. In other words, they're very large systems, and although we've talked lots about landscapes in the sessions today, river systems are, in terms of a truly integrated unit, amongst the largest kinds of systems we have. This is a local system, a local stream, Milk Creek, just right outside of town. It's a piece of the Huron River basin and it's about 15 square miles. But a river manager would recognize it as an ecosystem, a part of the Huron River system, which is a part of the Lake Erie basin, which is a part of the St. Lawrence River system, and the St. Lawrence system is on the scale of hundreds of thousands of square miles. And so, the first important feature, if we're going to talk about ecosystem management of rivers is to recognize that we're talking about very large systems on the scale of the landscape. Secondly, rivers are somewhat different than the kind of systems we've talked about so far in their internal structure. We say in class they are hydrologic, geomorphic, biologic systems. That is to say, they have a very real physical component in a way that's different than a lot of the terrestrial systems when you're talking about managing. For example, if you take the biology out of a river system, you still have a river system. If you take the biology out of a forest, you don't exactly have a forest anymore. There's something different about the way we use the terms 'ecosystem' in these two contexts.

It is a fundamental nature of river systems that they are arranged spatially, and this gets us to this idea of watershed in a hierarchy nested fashion. Every river system can be viewed as consisting of a series of catchment areas on the landscape that contribute water and sediment and nutrients to that system and link the river system, which is a discrete ecosystem visually, to the overall landscape it sits in. The idea of the watershed as the length between ecosystems in the landscape is, as I say, fundamental to the way we've been talking about managing aquatic ecosystems for some time. And there's really no better demonstration of the essential power of this way of thinking about aquatic ecosystems than a quick 3-dimensional view, if you will, of the river systems of Michigan. In this case, we're going to look at three slides in succession here. The first is very much like the slide that Burt showed a while back. This is a picture of the surficial geology of the state. This is sort of the under layer of the State of Michigan. The yellow is glacial, thick deposits of glacial drift of outwash. Sandy areas of, as Burt said, well rinsed soils carried by glaciers and deposited in a thick layer. The green is recessional marine feature and till plain, and the pink is old lake bottom. So, that's the bottom layer and the structural foundation of the large scale picture of the State of Michigan. This is the topography. Wherever we had the sand, the yellow, notice now that we have high, thick deposits of outwash. Where we had lake bottom it's kind of dark, and relatively low elevation topography in the marine.

The next slide is a picture of the river systems in Michigan. It's just a map. But notice that the river systems--if you let your eyes blur a little--notice this is the same map. This is a map of the landscape of Michigan. The underlying surficial geology, the topography, the river nets upon them, is the same map. Rivers are, because of the way they integrate the landscape and their catchments, they essentially are the landscape. Or, that's a good metaphor for them at any rate. But they are tightly, tightly connected to the landscape. So, the idea of watershed management and real physical units that an aquatic ecologist would argue are the units around which one should structure management is a powerful concept for thinking about these systems. But it isn't the only way to think about these systems. It's also true that a river is a network and the network has pieces and anyone who's a canoeist or a fisherman or spends time on a river knows that as you traverse a river net there are areas that are pretty much the same and other areas that are very different. They share physically important similarities in things like chemistry and the biology that's there. This is a clear segment and you could walk the segment for 3 or 4 or 5 or 10 miles and it essentially will look like this and essentially will have roughly the same chemistry and biological character. This is another segment. It's in the same river. It's part of, in some sense, the same ecosystem, but it is distinct. This is another segment. It has a different fish fauna, a different chemistry, a different relative energetic balance in terms of energies of the flow and its riparian environment, etc. But it is part of the same overall watershed system.

And so, it is a characteristic of river systems that they, in fact, have two distinctly different physical expressions. They have what I'm going to call structural ecosystem expression--that is, they have a channel unit that's distinctive--and linked to a functional ecosystem, another spatial unit, that creates it. But notice in a river system, they're not the same place. And this has been a key factor in thinking about the problem in the management of these sorts of systems. That is, this bottom segment in the diagram is a discrete piece of real estate and the catchment that produces it is a discrete piece of real estate but they're not the same piece of real estate. They're not even at the same scale. A river segment that is ecologically homogeneous and structurally homogeneous may be 15, 20, 30 miles long, but the catchment that produces it may be 300 square miles in size. And so, there is a very different way that the basic ecology of a river system lays on the landscape than if we take as contrast the nested hierarchy of ecosystem types that Burt talked about in terms of the Kirtland's Warbler. Rivers are maybe the most extreme example of this, but we know that this is fundamentally the same in lakes. That is, we manage lakes and we've learned through the eutrophication crisis of the mid-part of the century that a lake has a very nice boundary, but if you're going to manage it that isn't the boundary you have to worry about. There is a functional system boundary that is discrete and is real, but that is the unit one manages.

And so, there's in aquatic systems of all types this sort of dichotomy. There's two sides of a coin because of the physical way, the physical reality of the structure of aquatic systems. There is a local effect and there is a regional effect and we routinely have built this into the way we think about aquatic ecosystems. Three very quick examples. This is so obvious that most of us don't think about it. But the last 10 or 15 years in river management we've spent a lot of effort and time focusing on the distinction of managing for point source effects and nonpoint source effects. Essentially point source and nonpoint source effects are the difference between chemical controls at this place in the river based on the catchment, and chemical controls at this point in the river based on some discrete place on the channel. The chemistry of any particular type of site depends upon not what's at that site but on the landscape in the catchment. Data from a very small catchment, less than 50 square miles of drainage in the Titabiwassi River in the Saginaw Valley area, shows tremendous differences in alkalinities between agricultural, lowland forest, and swamp catchments all inside the same river system. This same principle is true at almost every level of aquatic systems we look at, particularly in river systems. That is, there is an off-site set of processes and properties that affect it, they come from a real spatial unit, it has real boundaries, and there's an on-site set of properties. And, together, they produce some physical expression that we recognize on the landscape.

Another example: In stream ecology when we talk with engineers about discharge, the most fundamental parameter in describing any place in the river is how much water goes through it. We use routinely two essential equations to describe the same thing. If the discharge is the water going through that cross-section we can describe Manning's equation, which says essentially that the water going through that cross-section depends upon the slope and the frictional resistance. It's true. It's always true. You can fit it anywhere. It describes the discharge through that section. But on the right is another equation. It says the discharge through that section is the result of the water balance for the entire catchment. It's a difference between precipitation, evapotransporation, and change in storage. These equations are the two sides of the river ecosystem--the large unit and the local unit--and they're both always true. And in fisheries habitat we see the same kind of principle. In fact, we teach students to watch for and to think about whether the particular problems at a site in a river are due to the catchment unit [big spatial unit] or whether they're due to the local unit. And in this case the slide is illustrating the difference between a site that has reasonable fish habitat potential [it has good undercut banks, it has good woody debris structure, it has good flow during the summer] and one that has none of these things. It has poor flow, sediment has impounded the channel, the channel is too big, the water is barely snaking through, and the woody debris that's there has removed the actual flowing water, so it's of no use to the fish. The difference between these two kinds of sites--real sites that Dave Allen's group has been working on for a number of years in the River Raisin--has to do with manipulations in the catchments. They're not due to the spatial unit we're looking at. They're due to the spatial unit that functionally controls this local expression.

Ecosystem Management for Rivers

So, what is ecosystem management for rivers? Is it just watershed management? I think if the river managers are going to take something away from the discussion of ecosystem management and we look at it carefully and we use the principle that ecosystem management is shaping your management to the reality, then the answer is it is something more than watershed management. It is watershed management but it's also channel management, and it's also the conscious integration of all the systematic forces that shape the nature and the piece of nature that we're interested in, that both aquatic ecologists and terrestrial ecologists in short-hand refer to as ecosystems.

What do we need to do this kind of work? How do we become ecosystem managers if we're river managers? Number one, I think we need to understand the structural and functional realities of the systems we have. And in fact rivers are structurally and functionally built differently than lakes, and lakes are built differently than forests, and forests are built differently than wetlands or whatever other kind of ecosystem you want. We have to understand the underlying reality that we want to manage. Number two, whatever that reality is--whether it's forest or aquatic systems--we need to be able to specify the appropriate spatial unit. I think one very clear, common thread in ecosystem management and watershed management is the belief, at least on the part of most scientists, that these are real units, these are real spatially delimited units, and it matters what we do where. Identifying them, and that's one reason mapping is such a powerful tool, is a necessary first step to doing ecosystem management in rivers or anywhere else. To be true to the idea that ecosystem management in rivers is the combination of watershed management and dealing with local issues and expressions we need to apply integrative tools. And we talk a lot in SNRE about integration between different disciplines, but now this is integrating between different views of the same reality--between the regional reality and the local reality, the watershed and the channel segment. We need likewise to apply integrative tools to decide what it is we want to do with what we have. And then finally we need to act. In all these levels, though, we need to act in a way that's consistent with the actual physical reality of the systems we're discussing.

Tools for Implementation

Quick review of some tools that have turned out to be important and that I think are moving us forward towards an ecosystem approach to managing rivers. One very fundamental tool, the School of Natural Resources and Environment, has been a leader in this university. Frankly, this university has been a little behind but is now rapidly catching up in terms of the application of Geographic Information Systems. One of the great attractions of this technology is it allows us to deal with the large scale picture and think about it in terms of its effect on specific ecosystem components. GIS technologies allow us to think about and to integrate information at both these scales--the watershed scale and the local expression. Ecosystem unit mapping and classification happens to be an area that, in the last two or three years, everybody is jumping on the band wagon very rapidly in aquatic systems. We're beginning to realize that mapping the units that are really the expressions of watersheds is a powerful management tool, particularly a tool for dealing with specific political and social issues in regard to river management.

Finally, modeling from the landscape which uses information at the landscape level to make predictions about the character of local expressions of ecosystem and local ecosystem structure is, with the advent of GIS, becoming a very important tool in landscape management of rivers. Just like we need integrating structures and science to think about this problem, we also need appropriately scaled social organizations that do this. This is true whether we call it ecosystem management or watershed management. One of the things that's been going on in the last decade that's extremely encouraging has been the development of alternate big scale structures to think about river systems, which are so large they normally traverse the organizational boundaries that we align ourselves in politically. So, watershed councils, an idea that had early expression in this state and has been particularly successful, is now a concept.

A watershed council is an alliance of governments along watershed boundaries to specifically think about managing large aquatic units. It is now spreading to the East Coast and the West Coast and more and more one hears of ecosystem management being carried out for aquatic systems by things known as watershed councils. In Michigan, maybe some of you aren't as aware of a secondary category [they're not legally quite the same thing as a watershed council] but resource conservation development councils have played a tremendous role in the restoration and management of large pieces of rivers in a number of areas of the state. One, I think it's called the Pines RC&D in Grayling, has been a primary organizer of people and money for the restoration of the AuSable River. The Rouge project is a unique alliance of government and private concerns spending, with the help of the federal government, major effort and millions of dollars in the restoration of the Rouge River.


When it comes to these systems and to river management, our history has been to manage by default. Rivers, because they are landscape systems, integrate the landscape. People, because there's a lot of us and because of whatever it is in us that makes us what we are, modify the landscape. And therefore, we do landscape management on rivers whether we intend to or not. And that brings us back to the conclusions of this talk--there's no choice in terms of river ecosystem management because we are already doing it. The only question is will we do it well or will we continue probably in the long run of history not to do it so well. There is no choice and there is no retreat. No retreat because since 1972 we've begun, in terms of river management anyway, a path in which we've tried to address the unique problems of managing these large systems. Today we are making headway, I think, in terms of the science and we're making headway in terms of the social organization to do this job. Really, at this point, all we can say is let's keep on going. This is no time to hesitate and we should be looking over our shoulders at the terrestrial ecologists and people talking in more general terms about ecosystem management and we should be applauding and we should be saying let's together learn how to manage the large scale environment that we live in.

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We suggest the following format:

Wiley, Michael. Ecosystem Management and Rivers: No Choice and No Retreat. Presentation given at Symposium "Ecosystem Management: For a world we can live in." September 25, 1997. University of Michigan, School of Natural Resources and Environment. Ann Arbor, MI.

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