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"But what I really want to talk about is..."
Lack of clarity and buy-in might be getting in the way if...

People in the group:

  • Forget what the group's objective is, overall and for specific meetings.
  • Have different perceptions of what the problem is, which makes it very difficult to be creative in solving it.
  • Say they want a clear agenda but resist when someone tries to facilitate.

You hear things like:

  • "Getting anything done with these people is like trying to herd a bunch of cats."
  • "She is just talking to hear herself speak - it is not getting us anywhere."
  • "He always hijacks the agenda."

"We keep going around in circles"
Your group might be facing communication difficulties if...

People in the group are:

  • Asking leading questions.
  • Listening primarily for the purpose of finding holes in each other's arguments.
  • People are talking past each other and conversation is going in circles.
  • So busy arguing about who is right, they are not learning from each others' different perspectives.

You hear things like:

  • "He refuses to listen."
  • "I just can't get her to understand."
  • "We can't keep going around in circles on this."
  • "He keeps talking about numbers that have no bearing on the conversation."
  • "I can't get her to admit that she is wrong."
  • "He is really stubborn."
"They just don't care what I think"
Strong emotions might be getting in the way of problem solving if...

People in the group are:

  • Finding it difficult to trust each other.
  • Consistently overreacting to issues or situations.
  • Focusing on assigning blame and defending themselves rather than on problem solving.


You hear things like:

  • "She doesn't care about doing what's best for the community. She is only focused on doing what's best for her."
  • "He has no integrity."
  • "She keeps attacking me personally."
  • "I told him that he was being disrespectful and insensitive, but he just got defensive."
  • "I don't think I can work with her unless she admits that she was wrong and apologizes."
"There is no point in talking about it more, we all know the right answer"
Your group might be having trouble coming up with new options if...

People in the group:

  • Come to meetings with the answer "all figured out."
  • Are not willing to discuss new and different ideas.
  • Agree to things because that is how it has always been done.


You hear things like:

  • "It is time to move on, we know what we have to do."
  • "We are here to make decisions, not come up with outrageous ideas that will never work."
  • "If there was a better way to resolve this, then we would have thought of it already."
"We talk a lot but I haven't seen much action"
Your group might be having trouble making and implementing final decisions if...

People in the group are:

  • Not talking about specifics because they think the agreement is too precarious.
  • Getting frustrated with each other because even the little details seem to require endless discussion.
  • Starting to agree to things they never intend to follow through on - just to end the conversation.

You hear things like:

  • "People don't stay on topic and we waste so much time!"
  • "That's not what we agreed to at all!"
  • "I agree with a lot of this, but I just can't say yes to it all."
  • "I just can't seem to get him to make a firm commitment."












































































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This site was developed by the Ecosystem Management Initiative through a partnership with the US Forest Service and the US Department of Interior. Read more.

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