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Displaced Mine Employee Grant Programs



Case description (read more)

Mining was the primary source of employment in the greater Biwabik area of Minnesota. As a result, when the LTV Steel Company closed its taconite mine in Hoyt Lakes, Minnesota, the loss of 1400 jobs had a tremendous impact on local communities and the economy. This is a story of how the City of Biwabik, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR), and the US Forest Service (USFS) worked together to develop and implement a grant program assisting displaced miners with local, entrepreneurial business opportunities. More importantly, it is a narrative illustrating how proactive and responsive participation by local, state and federal agency staff in the grant application process made a tremendous difference in the lives of affected residents.



Primary partners

City of Biwabik
US Forest Service
Minnesota DNR


Primary objectives

  • To assist miners in finding employment opportunities without having to uproot and relocate families

Year of initiation

The first grants were awareded in February, 2001.

What is fostering progress? (read more)

  • Internal initiative on the part of the US Forest Service: the flexibility of the program development and implementation made it easy to get resources to individuals in need.
  • Local Administration: the City did not require that any of the grant money be used to cover the City’s administrative expenses
  • Delivery of Funds to Grantees: the Forest Service provided the money upfront, which allowed he City to put the funds into a dedicated account and write checks directly to the participants.
  • External Selection Process: establishing an external selection process took a lot of pressure off local administrative staff.

What lessons can be drawn? (read more)

  • A small effort can have a big impact.
  • Dedication and persistence of the city planner and Forest Service employees enabled the miners to understand and effectively respond to the opportunity.
  • Partnerships form when connections are made
  • Procedures should be understandable and straightforwar

Contact information at the Forest Service


This site was developed by the Ecosystem Management Initiative through a partnership with the US Forest Service and the US Department of Interior. Read more.

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