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Ecosystem Restoration & Economic Revitalization Initiative Cases


Applegate Watershed vista ©  http://www.arwc.org/
The Applegate Partnership involves industry, conservation groups, natural resource agencies, and residents cooperating to encourage and facilitate the use of natural resource principles that promote ecosystem health and diversity, and contribute to economic and community stability in Oregon's Applegate Valley.

© Adam Burton  http://freespace.virgin.net/adam.burton/index.htm

The Coalition for Unified Recreation in the Eastern Sierra (CURES) has brought diverse groups together to share in a common vision driven by the idea that "a sustainable economy is dependent upon a sustainable environment."


© Larry Carver; Feather River CRM Group
Begun in 1985, the Feather River CRM group encourages local initiative and participation in resource management on public and private lands in the headwaters of California's State Water Project.

© http://www.fs.fed.us/vegtools/partnership_brochure.pdf
The Ponderosa Pine Forest Partnership integrates values, interests, and knowledge in southwestern Colorado to restore the Ponderosa Pine ecosystem and local economy.

© http://www.eaglecaprealty.com/countypic.html
Wallowa Resources strives to bring together community members, conservation and industry groups, and government agencies for the common goal of restoring ecosystem, cultural and economic health within Wallowa County, Oregon.




This site was developed by the Ecosystem Management Initiative through a partnership with the US Forest Service and the US Department of Interior. Read more.

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