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The Kiowa National Grasslands Integrated Resource Management Program


New Mexico

What is fostering progress?

Both the ranchers and the agency representatives agree that the main ingredient in the success of this program has been the human factor. Their frequent contact and, moreover, genuine interest and concern about the economic and ecological viability of local ranches, has enabled both Forest Service and Soil Conservation Service staff to develop a relationship of trust and mutual problem-solving with the permittees. According to Ellen grove, there is a feeling now, more than ever, "that we are in this together…Alton and Mike's doors are always open and I feel as if they really care." Bryant and Delano speak just as highly of their collaborators who they feel are, "very dedicated to the conservation of their resources."

In addition, success was fostered by a realization among agency personnel that they need to work together to do their jobs, because of the inter-mixing of federal, state, and private land in the area. Delano commented, "To manage the resource, we need to work together. We're scattered out over a lot of miles here, and we have to work together in a coordinated effort."

This site was developed by the Ecosystem Management Initiative through a partnership with the US Forest Service and the US Department of Interior. Read more.

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