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Large Watershed Collaborative Cases

RFK and Kingman Islands ©  http://planning.dc.gov/project/waterfront/images.shtm


Anacostia Watershed Restoration Committee demonstrates partnerships between multiple jurisdictions in an urban setting.

Applegate Watershed vista ©  http://www.arwc.org/
The Applegate Partnership involves industry, conservation groups, natural resource agencies, and residents cooperating to encourage and facilitate the use of natural resource principles that promote ecosystem health and diversity, and contribute to economic and community stability in Oregon's Applegate Valley.

Snail from the Conasauga River system. © http://www.conasaugariver.net/comcentr/library/aquatlib.html

Over 36 partner organizations have joined forces to restore and protect the Conasauga River watershed, in Georgia and Tennessee, asking and answering questions like "what's killing our mussels?"

©  http://www.flyanglersonline.com/features/greatrivers/henrys/index.html
Henry's Fork Watershed Council illustrates successful collaboration among irrigation, environmental, and tourism interests for the restoration and management of an Idaho watershed.

The Nanticoke River © TNC

Nanticoke Watershed Alliance

Bridge over the Potomac River ©  http://www.river-guide.com/

Potomac Watershed Partnership serves as a model for other large-scale watershed partnerships in both developing a meaningful strategic plan and adopting measurable goals and objectives that can be tracked over time in order to ensure that the group is achieving progress.


This site was developed by the Ecosystem Management Initiative through a partnership with the US Forest Service and the US Department of Interior. Read more.

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