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Simple Partnership Cases


Displaced Mine Employee Grant Partnership between the City of Biwabik, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, and the US Forest Service has developed and implemented a grant program assisting displaced miners with local, entrepreneurial business opportunities.

Kiowa National Grasslands © Mark Nohl 1999
The integrated resource management program on the Kiowa National Grasslands highlights partnerships between the Forest Service, the Natural Resource Conservation Service, and ranchers designed to improve grassland quality.

Fire-hazard reduction projects ©  http://www.fs.fed.us/r3/coconino/SYVP/SYVP_photos.shtml

The Las Humanas Cooperative partnership between a rural New Mexico community and the Forest Service is undertaking watershed protection and fuel-reduction projects while providing economic opportunities for local citizens.

Since 1991, collaborative management between the Forest Service and Salt Lake County agencies has worked to restore the Mill Creek Canyon's recreational facilities and natural habitats

The Rocky Mountain Youth Corps partnership with the Carson National Forest in New Mexico contributes to restoration and maintenance projects on the forest during the summer months.

A yucca plant in the San Gorgonio Wilderness © http://gorp.away.com/gorp/publishers/westcliffe/ca_gorgo.htm
The San Bernardino National Forest has found a very resourceful way to stretch its thin budget by harnessing the dedication and energy of local volunteers through the San Gorgonio Wilderness Volunteer Partnership.

A silverspot butterfly © http://www.orecity.k12.or.us/ochs/departments/science/species/butterfly.html
The Oregon Silverspot Butterfly case describes how the Forest Service, The Nature Conservancy, and others have worked together since 1980 to promote recovery of this federally listed threatened species.

Upper Stony Creek © http://www.carcd.org/wisp/glenn/lr-plan.htm
The Upper Stony Creek Watershed Restoration case describes how a network of ranchers, scientists and experts collaborate in order to sustainably manage lands and streams within a watershed


This site was developed by the Ecosystem Management Initiative through a partnership with the US Forest Service and the US Department of Interior. Read more.

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