Visualizing the Environment
This class is an introduction to the basic techniques and terminology relating to the visual communication component of landscape architecture. We will be focused on hand graphics, though I will introduce some very basic elements of Photoshop and Illustrator/InDesign as appropriate. Efforts to effectively and efficiently communicate will be stressed and students will explore a range of presentation formats. The objectives of this course are to understand the various 2-dimensional communication techniques used to represent 3-dimensional design ideas and the development of heightened visual perception related to representing thenatural and built environment on paper. Individual investigation and ambition are important aspects of this course (and, frankly, of any creative endeavor). It is assumed that you will be an active and inquisitive participant in this class, and that you will conductresearch and reading outside of class. This may happen in various ways from traditional research in the library, to attending exhibitions, movies, demonstrations, and lectures on campus or in the community.