University of Michigan School for Environment and Sustainability (SEAS) students participate in a wide variety of activities outside the classroom. Some students choose to join a student organization to make an impact and connect with others in the U-M community.
- SEAS Student Government
- SEAS Track Leaders
- Directory of all U-M student organizations
- Student Sustainability Coalition
- BLUElab (Better Living Using Engineering Laboratory)
- Student Chapter American Society of Landscape Architects
- Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Related Sciences (MANRRS)
- UM Chapter of the Society for Conservation Biology
- Aquaponics Club (new in 2024)
- Clean Up Campus (new in 2024)
Does your club fall into one of the following categories?
- Your student org is expressly affiliated with, or funded by, the SEAS Student Center, or other SEAS faculty and staff.
- It is a professional or semi-professional student organization led by SEAS Students
- It is a sustainability-related common interest organization, or social organization for a specific student group, that consist of a majority of SEAS students and/or are led by SEAS or PitE students.
If your club falls into one of these categories, fill out this form to request official recognition from SEAS.