Bees and Golf: An Unlikely Yet Impactful Partnership
The goal of this project is to protect, promote, and propagate pollinators at golf courses. This meets two critical needs: to mitigate world-wide threats to pollinator populations and ecosystem services, and to build the movement to make golf courses a land use and experience that is more sustainable and multi-functional.
Objectives to achieve the overall project goal include meeting information needs about the value of existing pollinator-support efforts on golf courses, as well as developing, communicating, and implementing additional feasible and effective practices that would support pollinators on golf courses.
This project requires a multidisciplinary team of students for the successful completion of this proposal. Inclusion of a variety of perspectives and disciplines will strengthen the content and impact of this work and provide the students with a real world scenario of collaboration; using methods from education and behavior change, to landscape design, to geospatial analysis, to systems design, and species conservation, to name a few. The experiences provided through working on this project will apply to a variety of future careers and greatly benefit all students involved.