Greenprint Detroit
Navigating the various government programs for vacant land purchase in Detroit can be overwhelming, often resulting in confusion and frustration. Within this context, Greenprint Detroit aims to provide a toolkit for residents on how to attain and transform vacant land through processes already in place by the Detroit Land Bank. By laying out these programs and other helpful land-use resources, the goal is to help place land back in the hands of Detroit residents. The project aims to begin the process of developing a citywide Greenprint; one that represents a vision for a creative, holistic, system‐wide network of reclaiming vacant, interstitial open space. This plan will also provide guidance in ways of which to address the increasing challenges of climate change and the negative environmental effects that come with it within the context of Detroit communities.
Fan, Jingzhi; Lu, Yizhu; Smith, Sharni; Wang, Yiyuan