Visioning Cass: A Roadmap for the Future
Goals & Objectives:
Up to this point, the organizational goals of Cass Community Social Services (CCSS) have centered around the people and residents that make up the community - hence our mission statement's focus on food, housing, health, and jobs. As we continue to grow and plan for the future, the board is committed to broadening our focus. With this in mind, we are looking for help to establish a Vision Plan and Roadmap, in which we can explore ways to continue sustainably redeveloping the Cass neighborhood in a proactive, rather than reactive way. Along with creating a campus master plan and exploring future development opportunities, we hope SEAS students can support the organization with their knowledge of public engagement, program development, design, mapping, education + communication, environmental justice and ultimately help find partnerships with other organizations within Detroit to further support sustainable redevelopment of the neighborhood. See the McDougall Hunt Sustainable Redevelopment Plan for inspiration!
Theoretical Justification, Social Benefit, or Significance:
As a city, Detroit is in a really unique position as there are a multitude of opportunities for redevelopment. In the Cass neighborhood specifically, this work has begun through Cass Community Social Services but our nonprofit is now needing guidance as to how to continue to develop in the future. This research will be instrumental in ensuring that future development is sustainable and meets the needs of the Cass community.
Specific Activities & Duration:
The proposed research and outcomes will require a few stages of work.
- Exploration Phase. First, we hope that students will familiarize themselves with our work and campus through meetings with CCSS staff, an (ideally) in-person tour of our campus and buildings, and review of our materials (i.e. newsletters and annual reports).
- Learning Phase. The second aspect of the research will surround collecting information about the historical and present uses of the site and maps about its existing condition. In addition, we are hoping that students can examine ways that similar neighborhoods across the country are being redeveloped and expanded.
- Design + Planning Phase. Finally, all of this knowledge will be pulled together to create a sustainable redevelopment plan. Included will be a proposed campus master plan which will incorporate the needs of the community and recommendations of things to do with the space in the future.
Overall, we are hoping that students will be able to create a toolkit of actionable ideas and strategies for us to use in the future for fundraising and strategic planning.
Integrative Approach:
The proposed deliverables will require the skills of students from multiple disciplines, each who will play an integral role. See the below list of roles of students from each discipline. Given the exploratory nature of this project, it is important to engage from all disciplines listed to create a holistic vision for Cass.
Kyle Anderson [SD]
Walid Ahmad S Bamehriz [SS]
Michael Grady [LA]
Nana Temple [LA]
Taylor Valentine [SD]
Parker Wise [SD]