Asif Ishtiaque

Asif is a human-environment scientist working at the nexus of climate change impacts and human-environment dynamics. He received his PhD from the School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning at Arizona State University in 2019. His specific research interests include climate adaptation, hazard vulnerability, disaster management, environmental governance, and land cover change. He uses a variety of methods in his research, such as GIS, remote sensing, social network analysis, statistical modeling, qualitative data analysis (e.g. content analysis, case study analysis, grounded theory), social surveys, systematic literature review etc. He collaborated with researchers from different backgrounds- political ecologists, geospatial scientists, geographers, civil engineers, sustainability scientists, and sociologists. Besides academic life, Asif enjoys traveling to new places and playing soccer.
- Ishtiaque, A., Masrur, A., Rabby, Y.W., Jerin, T., and Dewan, A. (2020) Remote sensing-based research for monitoring progress towards SDG 15 in Bangladesh: A review. Remote Sensing 12 (4): 691.
- Stock, R.J., Vij, S., and Ishtiaque, A. (2020) Powering and puzzling in climate change adaptation policies in Bangladesh & India. Environment, Development and Sustainability. (In Press)
- Ishtiaque, A., Eakin, H., Chhetri, N., Myint, S., Dewan, A., and Kamruzzaman, M. (2019) Examining coastal vulnerability frameworks at multiple levels of governance using spatial MCDA approach. Ocean & Coastal Management 171: 66-79.
- Chhetri, N., Stuhlmacher, M., Ishtiaque, A. (2019) Nested pathways to adaptation. Environmental Research Communications 1: 015001.
- Estoque, R., Myint, S.W., Wang, C., Ishtiaque, A., Aung, T.T., Ooba, M., Emerton, L., Mon, M.S., Wang, Z., and Fan, C. (2018) A new estimate of mangrove forest cover changes in Myanmar (2000 to 2014): Assessing Environmental Impacts. Global Change Biology 24 (11): 5391-5410.
- Ishtiaque, A., Sangwan, N., and Yu, D. (2017) Robust-yet-fragile nature of party engineered coastal social-ecological systems: a case study of coastal Bangladesh. Ecology & Society 22 (3): 5.
- Ishtiaque, A., Shrestha, M., and Chhetri, N. (2017) Rapid urbanization in the Kathmandu valley, Nepal: Monitoring land use land cover dynamics with Landsat imagery. Environments 4(4): 72. (Invited paper, SI: Sustainable Territorial Management)
- Ishtiaque, A., and Nazem, N. I. (2017) Household level disaster induced losses and rural-urban migration: Experience from world’s one of the most disaster affected countries. Natural Hazards 86: 315-326.
- Ishtiaque, A. and Chhetri, N. (2016) Competing policies to protect mangrove forest: A case from Bangladesh. Environmental Development 19: 75-83.
- Ishtiaque, A., Myint, S.W., and Wang, C. (2016) Examining the ecosystem health and sustainability of world’s largest mangrove forest using multi-temporal MODIS products. Science of the Total Environment 569-570: 1241-1254.
- Ishtiaque, A. and Ullah, M.S. (2013) The influence of factors of migration on the migration status of rural-urban migrants in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Human Geographies 7(2): 45.
- Mahmud, M. S., Masrur, A., Ishtiaque, A., Haider, F., and Habiba, U. (2011) Remote sensing & GIS based spatio-temporal change analysis of Wetland in Dhaka City, Bangladesh. Journal of Water Resource and Protection, 3(11), 781.
Manuscripts under review
- Ishtiaque, A., Stock, R., Vij, S., Eakin, H., Chhetri, N. () How do barriers emerge in adaptation governance in Bangladesh?: A mechanism-based explanation. Environmental Policy & Governance. (in revision)
- Ishtiaque, A., Eakin, H., Chhetri, N., Vij, S., Rahman, F., Huq, S. () Multilevel governance in climate adaptation in Bangladesh: structure, processes, and power dynamics. Regional Environmental Change. (under review)
- Vij, S., Stock, R.J., Ishtiaque, A., Gardezi, M., Biesbroek, R., Groot, A., Termeer, K. () Power to adapt: How to derive ‘Power Sensitive Design Principles’ for long term climate change adaptation policies in South Asia? Earth System Governance (under review)
- Gardezi, M., Semhar, M., Stock, R., Vij, S., Ogunyiola, A., Ishtiaque, A. () Prioritizing climate smart agriculture: An organizational analysis. Environmental Research Letters (under review)
- Rabby, Y.W., Ishtiaque, A., Rahman, M.S. () Assessing the Effects of Different Digital Elevation Models on Landslide Susceptibility Maps of Rangamati District, Bangladesh. Remote Sensing (under review)
- Ishtiaque, A. () Multilevel governance of climate change adaptation: Conceptual clarification and future outlook. Extreme Events and Climate Change (Book Chapter) (in revision)