Douglas R. Pearsall

Doug Pearsall is an Adjunct Associate Professor for SEAS. As a Senior Conservation Scientist with the Nature Conservancy, Pearsall has been a leader in conservation planning for high priority areas in the Great Lakes region. He recently lead the completion of biodiversity conservation strategies (CAPs) for Great Lakes Michigan and Erie. He also served as the East Michigan Science and Planning Director and Director of Conservation Science at the Nature Conservancy.
http://conserveonline.org/workspaces/greatlakesblueprints/documents/all.html - include a set of biodiversity conservation strategies that will complement and be incorporated into the Lakewide Action Management Plans (LAMPS) for each lake. We anticipate that these biodiversity strategies will facilitate collaborative action among diverse and widespread partners, providing a common vision for conservation of these two Great Lakes.
PhD, University of Michigan (natural resources)
BS, SUNY College of Enviromental Science and Forestry (environmental forest biology)