Michael W. Murray

Michael is an environmental scientist with over three decades’ experience in research/synthesis, teaching, and policy work on a wide range of water-related and environmental health issues, in particular involving the Great Lakes. He worked for over two decades with the National Wildlife Federation’s Great Lakes office, coordinating and collaborating on science and science-policy work on issues that included toxic chemicals science and policy, climate change mitigation, aquatic invasive species, and eutrophication. He served for over a decade on the International Joint Commission Science Advisory Board, coordinating multiple projects, including on petroleum transport in the region, and Lake Erie eutrophication and its management. He led two projects supported by the UM Cooperative Institute for Great Lakes Research on conceptual frameworks and Great Lakes indicators. He has authored or co-authored numerous publications, and served on over 30 committees and workgroups to date. He has advised (including theses and group projects) both undergraduate and graduate students at UM, and has taught Water Resource Policy in SEAS and earlier taught/team-taught three courses in environmental health through the UM School of Public Health. He currently teaches and advises students at Augusta University (GA), through both the Department of Biological Sciences and the Master of Public Health Program, while remaining engaged in Great Lakes work and interested in water issues more broadly.
- International Joint Commission, Great Lakes Science Advisory Board Science Priority Committee and Great Lakes Water Quality Board, 2023. Nutrients in Lake Erie and Lake Ontario: Synthesis of International Joint Commission recommendations and assessment of domestic action plans. (Murray, M.W., Livernois, J., and Wood, G., co-authors.)
- Murray, M.W., Bratton, J.F., Elgin, A.K., Godwin, C.M., Riseng, C.M., 2021. Great Lakes indicators: Exploring alternative approaches through stakeholder input: A white paper. National Wildlife Federation, Great Lakes Regional Center, Ann Arbor, MI.
- Murray, M.W. and Rau, E., 2020. Seizing the day for Ohio River restoration: A vision for science-based ecosystem restoration integrated with equity and justice. Background document for virtual session, Ohio River Basin Symposium & Summit 2020, October 2, 2020.
- Murray, M.W. and Salim, O., 2019. The science and policy of PFASs in the Great Lakes Region: A roadmap for local, state and federal action, National Wildlife Federation, Great Lakes Regional Center, Ann Arbor, MI.
- Murray, M.W., Steinman, A.D., Allan, J.D., Bratton, J.F., Johnson, L.B., Ciborowski, J.J.H., Stow, C.A., 2019. Conceptual frameworks and Great Lakes restoration and protection: A white paper. National Wildlife Federation, Great Lakes Regional Center, Ann Arbor, MI.
- International Joint Commission, Great Lakes Science Advisory Board. 2018. Potential ecological impacts of crude oil transport in the Great Lakes Basin. (Murray, M.W., Allan, J.D. and M. Child, co-authors).
- International Joint Commission, 2018. Fertilizer application patterns and trends, and their implications for water quality in the western Lake Erie basin. Prepared by the Great Lakes Science Advisory Board for the International Joint Commission (Allan, J.D., Murray, M. and M. Child, co-authors).
- Collingsworth, P.D., Bunnell, D.B., Murray, M.W., Kao, Y-C., Feiner, Z.S., Claramunt, R.M., Lofgren, B.M., Höök, T.O., Ludsin, S.A., 2017. Climate change as a long-term stressor for the fisheries of the Laurentian Great Lakes of North America, Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 27(2):363-391.
- Kalcic, M.M., Kirchhoff, C., Bosch, N., Muenich, R.L., Murray, M.W., Gardner, J.G., Scavia, D., 2016. Engaging stakeholders to define feasible and desirable agricultural conservation in Western Lake Erie watersheds, Environmental Science and Technology, 50:8135-8145.
- Watson, S. B., Miller, C. J., Arhonditsis, G., Boyer, G.L., Carmichael, W., Charlton, M.N., Confessor, R., Depew, D.C., Höök, T.O., Ludsin, S.A., Matisoff, G., McElmurry, S. P., Murray, M.W., Richards, R.P., Rao, Y.R., Steffen, M.M., Wilhelm, S.W., 2016. The re-eutrophication of Lake Erie: Harmful algal blooms and hypoxia, Harmful Algae, 56:44-66.
- Factors affecting nutrient runoff and freshwater eutrophication, harmful algal bloom development, and approaches to improved management
- Environmental indicator development and use, in the Great Lakes region and beyond
- Development and use of conceptual models to link restoration and protection actions to improved ecological conditions and human health
- Alternative approaches to chemicals management in the Great Lakes region and beyond, including through use of principles and practices such as precaution, prevention, and green chemistry, alternatives assessments, and class-based management, and application to chemical groups such as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)
- Addressing water quantity and water quality challenges in a changing climate, including in an environmental equity context
Ph.D. Water Chemistry, University of Wisconsin
M.S. Water Chemistry, University of Wisconsin
B.S. Geological Engineering, Colorado School of Mines