Mike Wiley

Professor Wiley's teaching involves various aspects of aquatic ecology. Research interests include ecology of rivers and lakes, watershed management, community dynamics and population regulation, trout stream food webs, behavioral adaptations of aquatic insects, fish-invertebrate interactions, and fisheries management in North America and SE Asia.
Wiley, M. J. and S. C. Mozley. 1978. Pelagic occurrences of benthic animals in Lake Michigan. J. Great Lakes Res. 4(2):201-205.
Wiley, M. J. 1978. The biology of some Michigan trout stream chironomids (Diptera: Chironomidae). Mich. Academ. 11(2):193-209.
Wiley, M. J. and S. L. Kohler. 1980. Positioning changes of mayfly nymphs due to the behavioral regulation of oxygen consumption. Can. J. Zool. 58:618-622.
Wiley, M. J. 1981. Interacting influences of sediment preferences and density on the emigration rates of some trout stream chironomid larvae (Diptera: Chironomidae). Ecology 62(2):426-438.
Wiley, M. J. and S. L. Kohler. 1981. An assessment of biotic interactions in an epilithic community using time-lapse macrocinematography. Hydrobiol. 78:183- 188.
Read more publications here.
- 2010-2013: Potential impacts of Higgins Lake dam removal. MDNR/MRWA $18,500.
- 2009-2013: Land use Tipping points. NOAA/CILER. $120,000
- 2007-2012: USGS Coop.Research Agreement: National Nutrient Effects Team.$360,000.
- 2007: Developing Permitting tools and analyses. $50,535. MDNR/USGS/MSU
- 2006-2007: Reviewing methods for Large-river fisheries habitat Assessment $95,000.Great Lakes Fisheries Commission/GLFT
PhD, University of Michigan (natural resources)
MA, University of Michigan (resource ecology)
BS, University of Michigan (general studies)
Huron River Watershed Council SAP- Technical Advisory Committee (1991-2012).
Muskegon Watershed Assembly SAP- Technical Advisory Committee (2004-2012).
Washtenaw County Natural Areas Technical Advisory Committee (2001-2007).