Sandra L. Arlinghaus

Adjunct Professor of Mathematical Geography and Population-Environment Dynamics, School for Environment and Sustainability (SEAS), Arlinghaus' scholarly interests center on finding real-world applications for pure mathematics. Often, these theoretical projects have, as one component, a community service aspect: from the local to the international. In recent years, she has found Google 3D SketchUP and Google Earth to be exciting ways to confront theory with practice!
More specifically, her mathematical background involves graduate study in the Ph.D. program in Mathematics at the University of Chicago and also in the Ph.D. program in Mathematics at the University of Toronto (Advisor, H. S. M. Coxeter). Generally, Arlinghaus' interests in that arena focus on synthetic geometry. Her Ph.D. is in "Location Theory, or more broadly viewed, Theoretical Geography." Waldo R. Tobler was her advisor-- Tobler and John D. Nystuen served as her dissertation co-chairs. She enjoys doing interdisciplinary scholarly research that draws these two disciplines together and I view publication, particularly forms that take advantage of current technology, to be an optimum way to share results among a disparate group of scholars around the world.
- Solstice: An Electronic Journal of Geography and Mathematics, Volume XIX, Number 2, December, 2008.
- Arlinghaus, S. L. and Zander, Richard H. Electronic Journals: Then and Now…A Fifteen Year Retrospective
- Arlinghaus, S. L. and Batty, Michael. Charting the Past: Population-Environment Dynamics.
- Arlinghaus, S. L. Project Archimedes: Google Earth Experiments in Innovative Scientific Communication
- Spatial Synthesis: Volume II, Book 3.Population-Environment Dynamics: The Power of the Network Link. GooglEbook version. December 1, 2008
Read more publications here.
PhD, University of Michigan (geography)
MA, Wayne State University (geography)
BA, Vassar College (mathematics)
- Co-chair, Women’s and Senior trials, United States Bridge Federation, to be held in Detroit at the Detroit Marriott, Renaissance Center (June 2011)
- City of Ann Arbor, Neighborhood Watch, Block Captain
- National Science Foundation: invited to serve on a panel