The dual-degree program confers the Master of Science (MS) degree from the School for Environment and Sustainability and the Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the Ross School of Business. The Erb Institute is specially designed to equip executives, managers, and environmentalists with the skills and knowledge necessary to create environmentally and economically sustainable organizations. Business is being challenged to create entirely new, environmentally sustainable strategies. At the same time, environmental organizations need business savvy and economic expertise to keep their own enterprises afloat and to address the often difficult economic issues that are an inevitable part of solving environmental problems.
Students may integrate the 57-credit-hour M.B.A. program with the 42-credit-hour M.S. program (totaling 99-credit-hours) into a 77-credit-hour program. The student must still meet all the basic requirements of each program, which are summarized below.
School for Environment and Sustainability Requirements
- At least 25 EAS credits; 32 credits overall toward the M.S. degree
- Fulfill the SEAS Core requirements
- Fulfill the Specialization Core Requirements
- Fulfill the SEAS Analytics requirement (depending on your specialization; two analytics courses, one of which needs to be statistics)
- TO 502 will fulfill the "spirit" of the SEAS Statistics requirement. The actual credits for the course will count towards the MBA degree.
- BE 502 will fulfill the "spirit" of the second analytics requirement for specializations that require a second analytics. The actual credits for the course will be counted towards the MBA degree. EPP students: this will count towards the EAS 570 requirement but you must also take a second approved economics course.
- Fulfill the SEAS Capstone requirement or petition to complete the Non-Capstone MS.
- Registration for at least two full-time terms in Rackham
Ross School of Business Requirements
- At least 45 UMBS credits
- Fulfill the MBA Core requirements
- Business Law or Business Ethics course
- Registration for at least three full-time terms in Ross
How to Apply
A complete set of all application materials must be submitted to both Ross and SEAS. Read more about How to Apply to SEAS. For information on specific admissions procedures and application materials, please contact:
Graduate Admissions, SEAS
1520 Dana, 440 Church Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1041
Phone: 734-764-6453
Fax: 734-936-2195
Erb Institute for Global Sustainable Enterprise
700 East University
Kresge Hall, 3rd Floor West, Suite 3510
Contact Us
Email: erbinstitute@umich.edu