Keenan Gibbons

Keenan is a licensed landscape architect and urban design professional practicing in the Detroit area of southeast Michigan. He leads projects in the sustainable planning, design, and implementation of green infrastructure, parks, streetscapes, and innovative stormwater management strategies. Keenan is advanced in digital media, design and parametric modeling, and is an FAA Remote Pilot actively conducting grant research on the heat island effect for the Landscape Architecture Foundation. Keenan received his Bachelor’s in the Science of Horticulture from Michigan State University and his Master of Landscape Architecture from Ball State University.
CNN: Drones help uncover why our cities are so hot (https://www.cnn.com/videos/business/2023/08/25/urban-heat-island-effect-drones-contd-orig-nb.cnn)
The Weather Channel: Drones Map Urban Heat Islands (https://weather.com/news/climate/video/drones-map-urban-heat-islands)
Thermoscape Toolkit: Visualizing Thermal Disparities - ASLA Game Changers (https://thefield.asla.org/2023/08/29/vote-for-your-favorite-game-changing-idea)
Riverside Park Detroit: Transforming Park, Transforming Lives - ASLA Presentation
MiASLA SITES, Publication. “Combatting the Urban Heat Island Effect with UAV Thermal Imaging.” Volume 14, Number 1, 2020. (https://95fea305-41f1-46bb-b198-ee0c3eeb2d62.filesusr.com/ugd/a828ec_2b0ae0f4e33c417c9f94cbc92e996688.pdf)
LAF Deb Mitchell Research Grant: “Heat Waves: Visualizing Thermal Disparities.” (https://www.lafoundation.org/news/2023/04/2023-deb-mitchell-grant-winner)
SmithGroup: Combatting the Urban Heat Island Effect with Drone-Based Thermal Imaging (https://www.smithgroup.com/combatting-the-urban-heat-island-effect-with-drone-based-thermal-imaging)
Master of Landscape Architecture, Ball State University
Bachelor in the Science of Horticulture, Michigan State University