Max Vanatta
Max is a PhD student in the Resource, Policy, and Behavior track at SEAS following a previous Masters in Energy Systems Engineering and degrees in Architecture and design before. His interests involve equity, reliability, and operation of the power system with a specific focus on the methods used by decision makers for defining ongoing investments. At his core, Max is a tool maker who intends to work on providing resources to communities, institutions, and decision-makers who are actively pursuing a more just energy landscape within their specific context. These tools include accessible computational models which seek to better encapsulate the system scale impacts of decisions on/by policy, economics, and technology.
M.Eng. Energy Systems Engineering, University of Michigan, 2022
M.Des. Technology Concertation, Harvard Graduate School of Design, 2018
B. Arch. Cornell University, 2016
Current research includes industrial heat decarbonization through next generation nuclear technology and coal plant to renewable transition employment impacts. Early stage research includes equity and climate adaptation driven power system modeling.