Wei Ai

I am passionate about macro-energy system modeling and optimization, as well as the techno-economic analysis of emerging low-carbon technologies. I earned my Bachelor's degree in Energy and Power Engineering from Tsinghua University, where I first gained experience in research under the mentorship of Dr. Qun Chen during my final project. I then pursued a Master's degree at the Energy Storage R&D Center, Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, working alongside Dr. Liang Wang on the design and operational optimization of thermo-mechanical energy storage systems. Motivated by my growing interest in macro-level energy systems, I joined the ASSET Lab led by Dr. Michael Craig at the University of Michigan for my PhD studies. My first project here explores the future landscape of long-duration energy storage deployment in the U.S., considering factors such as resource spatial distribution and technology learning curves. I am excited to contribute to the global transition towards a decarbonized future as a researcher.
2017-2021 B.S. in Energy and Power Engineering, Tsinghua University
2021-2024 M.S. in Engineering Thermophysics, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences