The Gala platform is used across University of Michigan as well as by other universities and organizations. It emphasizes inclusive, iterative and dynamic content production: Teams of authors can edit a module together, or solicit inline feedback from individuals, communities, or organizations. Modules can incorporate podcasts, maps, interactive data tools, narrative case studies, and digital media, to encourage place-based and experiential science learning. Organizations and institutions can create their own libraries of modules, which can also be translated or adapted for new audiences. Individual learners and educators can deploy existing cases or create their own to share with research, workforce, civic, or global partners.
Founded by SEAS Associate Professor Rebecca Hardin, the Gala platform was created as part of the Michigan Sustainability Cases, supported by a University of Michigan Transforming Learning and Teaching grant led by Arun Agrawal and other SEAS faculty and students to create innovative teaching cases for sustainability learning.