Arun Agrawal

Arun Agrawal, a professor emeritus of environment and sustainability, retired from SEAS in December 2024. His research emphasizes the politics of international development, institutional change, environmental conservation, and sustainability in his research and teaching. He has written critically on Indigenous knowledge, community-based conservation, common property, population resources, and environmental identities. Agrawal coordinates the University of Michigan's Collaborating Research Center for the International Forestry Resources and Institutions network. He carries out research in central and east Africa as well as South Asia. His work has appeared in Science, PNAS, Conservation Biology, Development and Change, among other journals. He was elected to the National Academy of Sciences in 2018. Preceding his work at U-M, Agrawal was educated at Duke University, the Indian Institute of Management, and Delhi University and has held teaching and research positions at Yale, Florida, McGill, Berkeley, and Harvard among other universities.
- Ferraro, P. and A. Agrawal (2021) Synthesizing evidence in sustainability science through harmonized experiments: Community monitoring in common pool resource Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (29)
- Liao, C., Nolte, K., Sullivan, J.A. et al. (2021) Carbon emissions from the global land rush and potential mitigation. Nature Food 2
- Oldekop, J.,Rasmussen, L.V., Agrawal, A., et al. (2020) Forest-linked livelihoods in a globalized world Nature Plants 6(12)
- Erbaugh, J.T., Pradhan, N., Adams, J. et al. (2020) Global forest restoration and the importance of prioritizing local communities Nature Ecology and Evolution 4
- Newton, P., Kinzer, A.T., Miller, D.C., Oldekop, J.A., Agrawal, A. (2020) The number and spatial distribution of forest-proximate people globally One Earth 3 (3)
- Oldekop, Johan A., Sims, Katharine R. E., Karna, Birendra K., Whittingham, Mark J., Agrawal, Arun. 2019. Reductions in deforestation and poverty from decentralized forest management in Nepal. Nature Sustainability.
- Agrawal, A., L. Wollenberg, and L, Persha. 2014. Governing Mitigation in Agriculture-Forest Landscapes. Global Environmental Change. 29: 270-326.
- Agrawal, A., L. Wollenberg, and L, Persha. 2014. Governing Mitigation in Agriculture-Forest Landscapes. Global Environmental Change. 29: 270-326.
- Agrawal, A. 2005. Environmentality: Technologies of Government and the Making of Subjects (Duke University Press; Oxford University Press, Delhi). rpt. 2006.
- Sivaramakrishnan, K. and A. Agrawal. 2003. Regional Modernities: The Cultural Politics of Development. Stanford University Press.
- Agrawal, A. 1999. Greener Pastures: Politics, Markets, and Community among a Migrant Pastoral People. Durham NC: Duke University Press. (Jointly published by Oxford University Press, New Delhi).
- 2015-18: (Co-PI) Large-Scale Land Transactions as Drivers of Land-Cover Change in SubSaharan Africa. NASA. 891K (With Dan Brown, PI).
- 2014-15: (PI) Integrating forest commons and global datasets. Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) 153K.
- 2014-18: (PI) Forest Dependence and effectiveness of forest interventions to support livelihoods. Department for International Development. 3.1M.
- 2014-16 (PI) International Institute for Education (State Department). Climate change mitigation, avoided deforestation and commodity agriculture. Global Innovation Initiative. 250K (with P. Newton and L. Wollenberg)
- 2013: (PI): Enhancing causal inference for forest commons outcomes, Rights and Resources Initiative (60K)
PhD, Duke University (political science)
MA, Duke University (political science)
MBA, Indian Institute of Management (development administration and public policy)
BA, Delhi University (history)
- Coordinator: International Forestry Resources and Institutions Program (2006- Present)
- Member, NSF-IGERT (National Science Foundation-Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship) evaluation panel (2010)
- Member, Fellowship selection panel, ACLS (2009-2011)