SEAS Detroit Sustainability Clinic Projects
Historically, the SEAS Detroit Sustainability Clinic has supported two different types of projects: SEAS Master’s Projects, which fulfill the formal capstone graduation requirement for SEAS graduate students, and Clinic Detroit Resiliency Projects, which did not fulfill graduation requirements but offered valuable funded student internships, practica and experiential learning. Both project types addressed the highest-priority sustainability needs articulated by our community partners in Detroit. We continue to offer Master's Projects each academic year, but have retired the Detroit Climate Resiliency Projects model in favor of a new, similar initiative called Sustainability Assist. For details on our Clinic Master's and Detroit Climate Resiliency Projects, read more below.
The Clinic generally prioritizes the advancement of multi-year projects with the same Detroit-based client year over year when possible, with projects building on the previous student team’s efforts and supporting longer-term community relationships. All projects align with at least one of the Clinic’s five Capacity and Technical Assistance Pillars - Environmental, Energy and Water Justice; Housing and Neighborhoods; Sustainability and Climate Action Planning; Green Infrastructure and Watershed Management; and Circular Economy.

Clinic Master's Projects
Clinic Master’s Projects acquaint students with Detroit, and give them an opportunity to help advance climate action, environmental justice and urban resilience in historically underserved communities.
Detroit Climate Resiliency Projects
The Clinic’s Detroit Resiliency Projects were more flexible than traditional Master’s Projects, and could be rapidly deployed to meet immediate community needs.