Welcome to the IGCB
A Nexus for Interdisciplinary Global Change Research
Global change is disrupting organisms and ecosystems globally. Drivers of change include climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution, biotic exchange (novel pathogens, pests), land use, and more. We see these impacting our forests, croplands, lakes and rivers, oceans, coastlines, and cities.
Impacts on people and nature are, and will be, staggering—now and within the next decade—not the end of the century, as previously predicted.
From IGCB Director Peter Reich: Hello and welcome to the IGCB home page! We have launched several initiatives (e.g., faculty hires, postdoc opportunities, PhD Fellowships, research themes and associated projects involving research among multiple Michigan groups and with outside collaborators, an Exchange Fellows program, a seminar series and several symposia), that you can learn about from the links below. We are excited about the community we are building to help advance science, train the next generation of global change scholars, and find solutions to our global crises. Our web site is constantly under reconstruction, so expect to see more soon illustrating who we are and the work we are doing. Feel free to contact me directly (preich@umich.edu) if you’d like to learn more.
The IGCB's Mission
We seek to enhance understanding of critical knowledge gaps and learn how to do science that has an impact (i.e. help find solutions to our climate and sustainability crises). Our overall research focus is on the interaction of the four main drivers of global environmental change (climate change, biodiversity loss and biotic invasion, land use and transformation, eutrophication) with key natural and human systems and processes. The IGCB currently focuses on six research areas or themes to meet four interwoven goals; and views these as our current priorities.
In focusing on the research themes above, we aim to advance our mission and meet our goals:
I. Build community and critical mass
II. Train the current and next generation of global change scholars
III. Do good science
IV. Help find solutions to our global crises
Research Themes
Training Opportunities
These training opportunities are open to IGCB postdoc and graduate students, as well as other global change researchers who would like to make use of them. Email tgoncalv@umich.edu to learn more about getting involved with these training opportunities.
Postdoc Plus Community
The IGCB postdoc group has weekly sessions with the wider IGCB community, where postdocs (and sometimes grad students) can present their work, get feedback on research and/or manuscripts, or even just get advice on something they are working on.
The IGCB hosts regular lunch-and-learn sessions where we invite a speaker to discuss various topics with us over lunch.
Stats sessions
The IGCB's Thiago Gonçalves-Souza organises a range of stats and programming related courses/sessions that all are welcome to join.
Stats and coding help
Thiago Gonçalves-Souza is also available by appointment for one-on-one assistance with particular tasks. Use this calendar to book a time-slot with Thiago.