Exchange Program
Institute for Global Change Biology Exchange Program
Program Overview:
The Institute for Global Change Biology Exchange Program is intended to support networking opportunities for students, postdoctoral scholars and faculty working on global change biology problems, while at the same time enhancing interdisciplinary, integrated global change science. These activities can be off-campus exchanges, in which University of Michigan students, postdocs, researchers, or faculty travel to a non-University of Michigan location; on-campus exchanges in which non-University of Michigan scholars are brought to the University of Michigan’s campus; virtual interactions and collaborations; or all of the above.
Although there is no concrete rule, we would anticipate most in-person exchanges to range from 3 weeks to 6 months. Although this Program can support full costs, especially of more modest requests, we would hope to co-support larger requests with either another unit at Michigan or the reciprocal unit at another institution elsewhere in the US or internationally. Additionally, we can support individuals who have funding in hand or who successfully apply for funding (such as from their host university or country or another non-UM institution), by providing visiting scholar status, in-kind support (e.g. office space, library access, internet access, supercomputer resources), and supplementary financial support if an as needed. We also encourage non-UM researchers who are working collaboratively with UM researchers to apply to be Exchange Fellows, without (or prior to) a specific travel or funding request. This designation will be relevant to non-UM researchers collaborating with UM researchers on IGCB-supported working groups and especially for those potentially serving officially or unofficially as co-supervisors and mentors of IGCB postdocs and graduate students.
1. UM student, postdocs, researchers or faculty affiliate for off-campus exchange opportunities
2. Non-UM scholars who come to UM's campus for research/scholarly work.
Application Process:
- Apply online via the IGCB form.
- Include a detailed project description, proposed activity time frame, and plan for collaboration.
- For funding requests, please provide justification and a specific budget.
Each proposal should include a < 1,000 word summary of the proposed activities, a CV (5-page max) and a budget (neither of which count toward the word limit) that includes the total amount requested from IGCB, explains (using a coarse breakdown) how IGCB funds will be used and includes any co-funding available. For applications submitted by grad students and postdocs, we also request a brief letter of endorsement from a UM faculty member (<125 words).
Proposals are accepted for Fall semester (deadline: July 1), Winter semester (deadline: Nov 1; but Nov 20 in 2023), and the summer (deadline: March 1). For any opportunities that crop up with short timelines outside of the regular schedule, contact Peter Reich to discuss further options.
Review and Selection Criteria:
Applications will be evaluated by two IGCB faculty and the IGCB Program on the basis of: 1) potential for collaborative research success, improved global change research, broader impacts, and/or broader sustained collaboration, 2) potential to enable skills/knowledge transfer that would not otherwise be possible, and 3) clear logistical plan (e.g., points of contact are clearly established, and there is a high likelihood of practical success). All decisions will be made within1 month of the application deadline. Awardees will be named IGCB Exchange Fellows, listed as such on IGCB materials and website, and will be expected to use this co-affiliation on any products (e.g., lectures, reports, proposals, conference presentations, publications, and other activities) associated with their IGCB Exchange experiences. Exchange Fellows will give a brown bag IGCB seminar where they discuss their project, its methods, goals and results (if any). Upon completion of the Exchange, Fellows will submit a short report (≤2 pages and with illustrations of some kind) that will be posted on the IGCB web site. The program is intended to build collaborations among individuals and institutions; and is not a source of general research support. Thus, for example, while requesting research expenses is permitted, the main goal of the Exchange Visit should be to advance a collaborative relationship, with the research expense support secondary.
Given Financial Support:
IGCB affiliates (off campus exchange)
- Faculty: Up to $20,000
- Postdocs: Up to $10,000
- Grad Students: Up to $7,500
The costs can be divided in the following expenses>
Travel expenses (flight, bus or train ticket)
- Living expenses (hotel accommodation, rental housing, meals, health insurance)
- Research expenses (analysis, equipment, supplies, etc…)
Visa application fees (DS2019 for J1)
Visiting fellows (on campus exchange)
- Faculty: Up to $30,000
- Postdoctoral scholars: Up to $15,000.
- Graduate Students: Up to $10,000.
Travel expenses (flight, bus or train ticket)
Living expenses (housing, meals, health insurance)
Research expenses (analysis, equipment, supplies, etc…)
Visa application fees (DS2019 for J1)
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: Can non-UM researchers apply without the support of a UM faculty member?
A: Non-UM researchers can apply to work with UM faculty, postdocs or graduate students; however the UM faculty member supervising postdocs or graduate student would need to serve as the official host and local mentor
Q: Can you request a lump sum amount or should your proposal include a detailed budget?
A: The proposal must include sufficient budget detail so that it is clear what the funds will be used for and what the justification/rationale is for - i.e., how that financial support will allow specific activities to take place
Q: Does the fellowship cover day-to-day living expenses for off campus exchange (e.g. travel and subsistence funds)?
A: Yes, such costs can be requested.
Q: What is the time-frame for receiving feedback on an application?
A: Within one month of application
Q: Do the living expenses covered under the on-campus exchange for non-UM researchers get paid in the form of a stipend?
A: Our aim is for this to be as simple as possible; but we are regulated by University protocols, which usually require expense tracking. Thus, as an example, if IGCB had offered $500 or $750 or $1,000 per month of supplemental lodging support for an on campus visit of 4 months (knowing the monthly cost would be far higher), the Institute would be happy to provide this as a stipend, if the University financial team allowed it. They may however require documentation of the full cost in order to provide the supplemental support. This may additionally vary depending on visa status of applicants and on-campus official visiting status.