Joan Iverson Nassauer

Joan Iverson Nassauer works in transdisciplinary teams to develop and test ecological designs for their cultural sustainability. At scales ranging from continental implications of agricultural practices to neighborhood implications of green stormwater infrastructure, her work emphasizes human interactions with alternative designs for urban biodiversity and watershed infrastructure and management. As Co-Editor-in-Chief of Landscape and Urban Planning (2014-2021), she led it to become the world’s top-ranked refereed journal in urban studies and planning. She is a Fellow of the American Society of Landscape Architects (1992), Fellow of the Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture (2007), Distinguished Practitioner of Landscape Ecology in the US (1998), and was named Distinguished Scholar by the International Association of Landscape Ecology (2007).
- Feng, Y. & J. I Nassauer. 2022. A review of community experiences of landscape-based stormwater management practices: Perceptions, attitudes and societal outcomes. Ambio 51, 1837-54. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13280-022-01706-2
- Li, J., and J. I. Nassauer. 2021. Technology in support of nature-based solutions requires understanding everyday experiences. Ecology and Society 26(4):35. https://doi.org/10.5751/ES-12838-260435
- Nassauer, J. I., Webster, N., Sampson, N., Li, J. 2021. Care and safety in neighborhood preferences for vacant lot greenspace in legacy cities. Landscape & Urban Plan. 214: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landurbplan.2021.104156
- Li, J. & Nassauer, J. I. 2020. Cues to care: A systematic analytical review. Landscape & Urban Plan. 201: 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landurbplan.2020.103821
- Nassauer, J. I. 2020. Landscape science in studio. In Teaching Landscape Studio. K. Jorgenson, N. Karadeniz, E. Mertens, and R. Stiles, eds. Routledge Press, London. Pp. 150-161.
- Nassauer, J. I. 2017. Greening sprawl: Lawn culture and carbon storage in the suburban landscape. In Infinite Suburbia. A.M. Berger & J. Kotkin, eds. Princeton Architectural Press, New York. Pp. 506-517.
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- 2022-27 National Science Foundation. $1,599,748. DISES 2206292. Cues to care neighborhood greening to aid human and bee well-being in legacy suburbs. (CoPI with PI Mary Gardiner, The Ohio State University).
- 2017-22 National Science Foundation. $1,872,406. SCC-IRF 1737432. Overcoming Social and Technical Barriers for the Broad Adoption of Smart Stormwater Systems (CoPI with PI Branko Kerkez. In collaboration with University of Virginia, University of Tennessee, and EmNet).
- 2016-20 University of MI Water Center: Erb Family Foundation. $1,116,999. Improving water quality and well-being in Detroit: A multidisciplinary partnership to design and assess socio-environmental performance of green infrastructure on vacant land. (PI)
- 2011-13 National Science Foundation. Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center. Annapolis, Maryland. $27,500,000. (PI Margaret Palmer, U of MD). (Sub Award for Social Science Innovation Director, JI Nassauer, U of MI, $138,000.)
- 2008-12 National Science Foundation CNH 0814542. $1,166,066. Spatial Land-Use Change and Ecological Effects: Interactions of Exurban Land Management and Carbon Dynamics. (Co-PI with PI D. G. Brown, W. Currie, S. E. Page, and D. Parker).
MLA, Iowa State University
BLA, University of Minnesota
- Co-Editor-in-Chief, Landscape & Urban Planning, 2014-2021.
- Secretary, National Academy of Environmental Design, 2009-2012.
- Advisory Board, The Land Institute, 1998-2010.
- International Vice-President, International Association for Landscape Ecology (IALE), 1991-1999.